Automated Response Analysis Reporting

When it comes to gauging campaign performance, there is typically a ton of guesswork or dependence on unreliable, third-party pixels/cookies. There is a better, more accurate way. Our Response Analysis reporting matches your transactions to your original marketing audience to provide insight as to who actually made a purchase as a result of a campaign. Also known as a Matchback Report, this analysis gives real perspective as to how much each marketing effort is contributing to your bottom line.

Standard & Custom KPI Reporting

eCommerce platforms do a decent job when it comes to providing insight into the daily or weekly health of your business, but there is much more that can be learned. LiftEngine will look at your different transactional data sources and boil them all down to an easy-to-digest and insightful KPI analysis. If you need a custom designed report for your business, our data and reporting experts can work directly with your team to give you what you need.